Tuesday, January 5, 2010

what's my greatest purpose?

First of all, a BLESSED NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!!! :D
God, indeed, has been awesome. He brought us through 2009 and I believe He will also bring us through 2010. Amen? :)

I read a devotional book on Monday called
Every Day with Jesus by CWR and I was certainly blessed by it. The book started with a verse taken from Romans 8:28-39:

"From the very beginning God decided that those who came to Him...should become like His Son..."

It struck me there and then. This has always been God's
greatest purpose for us - to be like Jesus. Right before the creation of the world, right before we were created, this has always been God's greatest purpose for us, and that is simply to be like Jesus. You know, sometimes, we ask God this question, "What is my greatest purpose?". Well, there you go, THAT is YOUR greatest purpose, to be like Jesus.

2009 was full of challenges, opportunities, obviously tears and discouragement, but not to forget success and happiness. I believe that through all these, God is making & molding us to be more like his Son, Jesus.

I believe that if you have lived a 100 years on earth, you die, and still are not like Jesus, I believe that you have just wasted 100 years on earth. You could have been the best doctor, the best teacher, the smartest man alive, or the most influential person. But at the end of the day, when you are still not like Jesus, you still have not completed your
greatest purpose. God doesn't want you to be a pastor or apostle or a missionary, that's important but that is secondary to his GREATEST purpose - to be like Jesus.

That was my first devotion and it certainly spoke to me very much. I'm sure many of you write resolutions for the year, so why not add this to your list of resolutions? It sure is going into mine. We may not be LIKE Jesus at the end of this year but we CAN be MORE
like Jesus. So take it as a challenge, we're gonna be MORE like Jesus at the end of this year!!! :)
